Daikin achieves responsible sourcing standard

Daikin Europe has become the first manufacturer of HVAC equipment in the world to achieve the BRE’s internationally respected BES 6001 responsible sourcing standard for its VRV air conditioning system, providing the industry with third party verification of its supply chain.

Award-winning solar PV brand Autarco enters Irish market

Leading solar PV brand Autarco has announced its entry to the Irish market. Autarco told Passive House Plus that it is the world’s first company to provide complete single brand solar PV systems with an industry unique energy generation guarantee, expressed in kWh.

Cork passive window supplier emphasises on-site experience

Cork-based passive house window supplier Amberline Ireland has emphasised the importance of quality workmanship in the installation of low energy and passive house windows. The company was borne out of a firm that previously specialised in low energy building, giving it ample practical experience on site.

German-Irish chamber host timely Dublin passive house conference

 With Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown making passive house or equivalent energy efficiency standards mandatory for all new builds in a historic vote, the German-Irish Chamber of Industry & Commerce’s Passive House and Energy Efficiency Conference and trade mission is expected to be more relevant than ever.

SEAI Energy Show to take place on 6 & 7 April

This annual two-day business event, which last year saw up to 200 companies exhibit their energy saving products and services, is the premier business energy exhibition in Ireland, and a must for those interested in energy management and innovations in sustainable energy solutions.