

Passive House Plus puts down a marker against which the industry will be measured.
Jay Stuart, managing director, DWEcoCo


What a joy it was then to discover a new magazine from Ireland, with a UK edition, that is just full of more great green designs of passive houses, multifamily projects, schools office buildings and even boathouses than you could imagine actually existed. I will be dining on this in the pages of TreeHugger for weeks to come.
Lloyd Alter: Treehugger.com


Advertising in Passive House Plus has generated an interest in our company which is far beyond any of our previous experience with advertising. 50% of tenders we now receive come directly from the magazine which has doubled our client base in the past few months. All of them are from genuine clients leading us to securing a number of new contracts.
Paul Doran: Pat Doran Construction Ltd


We're very pleased with the response from the ad. We're already had two good meetings off the back of it and I have my work cut out for the next month!
Rebecca Lalonde: Princedale Homes


It is refreshing to find a properly considered and focussed journal rather than the 'churnalism' that the trade magazine arena is so full of. It properly reflects the attention to quality and detail that those in the Passivhaus movement consider essential to the delivery of good buildings.
Chris Parsons: Parsons + Whittley Architects


We have thoroughly enjoyed the first few issues of the Passive House Plus magazine. It's well presented, and is packed with informative and interesting articles, appealing both to professionals and lay people.
Helen Seymour-Smith: Seymour-Smith Architects


Passive House Plus is rapidly becoming the highly respected cool new ethical architectural magazine. It's immediately recognisable as a quality magazine with seriously good design and journalistic standards and I feel sure it is here to stay.
Justin Bere, Bere: Architects


Passive House Plus is an ideal vehicle for our market because it’s read by people interested in sustainable construction. We get a much higher conversion rate from advertising in Passive House Plus than any other periodical.
Peter Seymour, business development director: Ecocem Ireland


In October 2012, Construct Ireland magazine rebranded as Passive House Plus. In addition to passive approaches to minimising energy demand, the recalibrated title will continue to cover aspects of sustainable building such as renewable energy, green materials, water conservation and indoor air quality. 

When I heard Construct Ireland was redefining itself as Passive House Plus, I smiled and thought to myself ‘Passive House is in excellent hands’. The team at PH+ know their passive from their schmassive and will shine a light on what is without doubt the best energy efficiency standard we will ever see.”
Tomas O’Leary, founder: The Passive House Academy



What our loyal readers and advertisers had to say about Construct Ireland

When it comes to distributing our advertising budget Construct Ireland is the automatic choice and is by far the leading publication for the sustainable building industry.
Tom Barbour, managing director: Ecological Building Systems


Passive House Plus is the barometer for the growing Passivhaus, low energy building revolution in Ireland and the UK. It stands out as a quality publication which combines state of the art low energy projects with the latest product developments and at the same time informs the building industry on critical policy decisions by government.
Niall Crosson: Ecological Building Systems


Construct Ireland is a beacon of common sense in a landscape clouded by a pervasive, trite and crass misunderstanding of the issues surrounding the sustainability of buildings. Every market needs a leader and, in the field of sustainability publishing, Construct Ireland has no peer in Ireland.
John Garbutt, marketing director: Kingspan Insulation


Whilst we’ve dropped our advertising in most magazines and papers, we have stayed with Construct Ireland, mainly due to your reader enquiry system which generates a lot of solid leads each month. I’m not sure how you manage it, but suffice to say when an email with thirty to eighty enquiries lands on my desk, it is pretty pleasing and obviously influences our decision to stick with Construct Ireland. None of the other publications we’ve dealt with give such an obvious and accountable return.
Paul O’Donnell, managing director: Unipipe Ltd


Construct Ireland is the only publication we deal with that has an enquiry system, so it's unique for us. It's great feedback – and with print advertising it can otherwise be hard to keep track of feedback."
Andrea Fordham, marketing manager: Kingspan Renewables Ltd


Our marketing includes trade & consumer shows, magazine & local press advertising. Construct Ireland's enquiry system is the biggest source of leads we get. It generates everything from new contractors to homeowners interested in getting work done, to architects & engineers. It's a brilliant means of working out how well an advert has worked.
Tom Naughton, general manager: PW Thermal Building Solutions Ltd


Construct Ireland is a key read for anyone interested in the fast moving agenda of sustainable building. It is a quality production with its finger on the pulse of the latest developments in both policy and practice, highlighting the stream of practical innovation now being applied in Ireland’s built environment.
Kevin O’Rourke, head Low Carbon Technologies: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland


It is not often that a professional magazine captures and empowers the ideals of an entire generation of new designers. Construct Ireland has done just that. In a comparatively short time frame it has sharpened the design edge of a committed sustainability community in this country. In short Construct Ireland is a resource, a tool, and an inspiration. I find myself always looking forward to the next issue.
Brian Brennan, county architect: South Dublin County Council


As we go into energy scarcity and climate change, there’s a need to focus on sustainable building. Construct Ireland is a magazine with integrity with factual information and contacts very actively engaged in this whole area.
Duncan Stewart, TV presenter and architect


Thanks to Construct Ireland for their help and support in achieving the groundbreaking energy efficiency standard in Fingal. Without Construct Ireland’s involvement, it wouldn’t have happened.
Cllr Joe Corr, Cathaoirleach, Fingal County Council


The AIEA would consider Construct Ireland to be the leading construction magazine on the market. From an energy point of view it’s the industry magazine.
Alex Grassick, chairperson: Association of Irish Energy Agencies (AIEA)


I find Construct Ireland a useful one-stop shop for sustainable building products, and the web site is a great resource of present and past articles.
Brian Homan, director: Homan O’Brien Consulting Engineers


I'd like to wish you well with your much needed publication. Our own project, the Village will be looking with interest at your articles from now on.
Mark O'Sullivan: The eco village, Cloughjordan


I wish to congratulate you on a fine production. I like the bright layout and clarity of your magazine as well as the range of issues it covers. I enjoyed CI and I will be passing on pages to my colleagues which will be of interest to them. Of course, the theme of sustainability is of very relevant to our work and it is nice to see a decent Irish approach.
Oliver Ring, Director of environment and water services: Comhairle Chontae Chiarraí


I have just borrowed a copy of your publication in work, and very much welcome this addition to the otherwise banal magazine racks.
Declan Molloy – Dip.Arch., BaArch.,ARIAI: Galway County Council


I find Construct Ireland excellent as a source of reliable information and well-researched articles. The network of contacts Construct Ireland have generated is essential to the development of a sustainable future to Ireland. Construct Ireland, through its role at the centre of discussion has had a real impact on developments that are now being built in Ireland.
Jay Stuart: Delap & Waller EcoCo


I have found that responses to my advertising in Construct Ireland are of a high quality, and the responses are still coming months after each advert ran. The comprehensive after sales service is also proving invaluable.
David McHugh, managing director: ProAir Systems


Construct Ireland provides the perfect channel for promoting information about new heating solutions, based on discussions with the editor to indicate future trends. This is especially important when selecting technologies to bring to market.
Tomas Pisa, director: Czech Trade Ireland



Marketplace + companies featured in this article


Unipipe are specialist distributors of heat pumps, underfloor heating and renewable low-energy heating systems.


ProAir Systems is an Irish owned manufacturer based in Galway with depots in Cork and Dublin. We design, supply, install and service high quality MVHR systems.

Ecological Building Systems

Our ethos at Ecological Building Systems is to achieve 'Better Building' by adopting a 'Fabric First' approach to design.


Established in Dublin in 2003, Ecocem Ireland Ltd is an Irish company specialising in the manufacturing of high performance cements