Irish ICF manufacturer attains EPD

Amvic, Ireland’s leading manufacturer of insulated concrete formwork (ICF) has published an environmental product declaration (EPD) via the Irish Green Building Council’s EPD Ireland database, for its Amvic 300 ICF block system.

Passive EcoWall cuts whole life carbon

Drawing from 25 years of experience promoting airtightness and green building materials, Ecological Building Systems has developed Passive EcoWall, a system which integrates high quality, low embodied carbon, natural materials to deliver passive house performance levels, including exceeding Ireland’s nearly zero energy building (NZEB) standards.

Dr. Barry Mc Carron appointed MD of KORE Retrofit

KORE Retrofit, a leading provider of sustainable retrofit solutions in Ireland, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Barry Mc Carron as its new managing director. Mc Carron brings extensive experience in sustainable development, building energy performance, and project management to this pivotal role.