Massive job losses in architectural sector - passivehouseplus.ie

Massive job losses in architectural sector

Over 40 per cent of architects employed in January 2008 will have lost their jobs by March according to a survey conducted by Millward Brown IMS for the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland (RIAI).

The survey found that 29 per cent of architects had been made redundant in the past year, as have 39 per cent of architectural technicians. The number of practices employing architectural technicians is expected to decrease by almost 40 per cent by March.

The RIAI's John Graby said: "The institute is working on developing information, education and support services for architects and looking at opportunities for them. The RIAI is looking to Government to assist in developing opportunities for the architectural profession."

He added: "We need to examine best practice. Sustainable design needs to be part of normal practice in the built environment. Architects are at the forefront of delivering on this. If our commitments to preventing climate change are to be delivered on, then how we design and make our buildings is a critical factor and we need to put resources into research to ensure that Ireland is leading the drive in this area."

(c) Construct Ireland