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Sustainable economics conference, June 10 to 12

Feasta - the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability - will host a weekend conference titled 'The New Emergency: Managing Risk and Building Resilience in a Resource Constrained World' on the weekend of June 10 - 12 in All Hallows College, Dublin. Construct Ireland contributor Richard Douthwaite is a co-founder of Feasta.
According to the Feasta website : "Almost 70 years ago, the outbreak of World War II forced the Irish Government to declare a state of national emergency. The Emergency Powers Act of September 1939 gave it the authority 'to make provisions for the maintenance of public order and for the provision and control of supplies and services essential to the life of the community.' Today a similar attitude is needed to address an emergency of a different and even more compelling kind: global economic collapse, combined with crises in climate change, water and energy supply, soil erosion, and the massive over-exploitation of natural resources."
Scheduled speakers include:
Eamon Ryan, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, who will launch the conference
Dmitry Orlov, author of Reinventing Collapse, who will feature throughout the conference with a focus on "deglobalisation, relocalisation and definancialisation"
Richard Douthwaite, author of The Growth Illusion, Short Circuit and The Ecology of Money, who will discuss how the primary global crises interrelate
Dan Sullivan, director of Saving Communities, who will discuss land value taxation as a community development tool.
Ludwig Schuster, Living City Architects, who will "concentrate on bio-regional currencies that encourage sustainable use of resources rather than requiring growth and exploitation".
Bruce Darrell, co-founder of Dublin Food Growing, who will explore methods to develop food systems that do not rely on finite resources.
For further information, see here .