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Forestry Stewardship Council vs Sustainable Forestry Initiative
An interesting discussion on TreeHugger on the merits of various forestry certification programs, including the below photo (courtesy of Heart of Green) that apparently shows both FSC (Forestry Stewarship Council) and SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) certified forests.

Now, the industry apparently is lobbying the US Green Building Council to permit SFI timber as suitable for credit under LEED. They are also working at the State level to convince governments that Green Globes, a questionable certification set up by the lumber industry-founded Green Building Initiatives, should be acceptable certification for Green building requirements. They just added Florida and Indiana to their list of seventeen states that accept Green Globes.
LEED is the US's premier green building rating system. TreeHugger also writes of FSC, SFI and another certification program, Green Globes:
FSC is not perfect, and SFI is getting better. But SFI and Green Globes were founded but (sic) the lumber industry for one reason and one reason only: to stop the spread of FSC and LEED.
FSC itself has received some heavy critcism, some of it directed towards FSC Ireland.
UPDATE: Another interesting, and earlier, TreeHugger post on this topic .