Toxic fear darkens eco-bulb - passivehouseplus.ie
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Toxic fear darkens eco-bulb

COMPULSORY eco friendly light bulbs could end up poisoning Ireland's lakes and rivers when they are dumped, experts have warned.

COMPULSORY eco friendly light bulbs could end up poisoning Ireland's lakes and rivers when they are dumped, experts have warned.

The energy efficient bulbs contain deadly mercury which environmentalists fear will be released when they expire and are chucked away.

Users are already warned by manufacturers to leave a room if one of the compact fluorescent light bulbs breaks.

Poisons expert Prof David Ray said: "Long-term contamination of the environment is what you have to worry about.


"The worst thing you can do is incinerate mercury as it will be release into the air. And you don't want what comes out of a landfill going into the local water supply."

Mercury can damage the brain and attacks the nervous system if ingested.

From next year 1.6 million households in Ireland will be forced to use the new "green" bulbs.

And with each one containing 7mg of mercury, up to 168kg of the deadly substance could be dumped each year.

Use of the new bulbs has been ordered by Environment Minister John Gormley.

But the Green TDs' spokesman claimed they pose no threat and can be safely disposed of at civic amenity sites free of charge.

Tom Prendergast
Irish Sunday Mirror

Last modified on Tuesday, 05 February 2008 12:03