Natural paints and finishes

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View our selection of NATURAL PAINTS & FINISHES

The one thing that a paint or finish needs to do is work, this should be the case with all paints and stains but often inferior or cheaper products fail, equally the wrong choice of product can also fail. We have worked with a number of globally recognised manufacturers to offer a compact range of proven performance paints, stains and associated products all designed and tested to give superior protection without chemical, toxic or unwelcome ingredients.

Many of these products are suitable for those with intolerances or allergies. Our manufacturers offer a wide range of products focussed on human health and low environmental impact. Most of our products have ultra-low levels of VOC's, most naturally occurring and below permissible levels, there are some products that are VOC Free.

In line with our policy of full disclosure, and to help you decide what's right for you, you will find detailed information, certifications and declarations on the contents of all our products on the accompanying product datasheets. If in doubt about the suitability of any of our products please call 01793 847 444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .