Lime Plasters, Renders, Mortars and Ancilliaries

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View the Ecomerchant LIME PRODUCTS

We have worked for many years with our suppliers to arrive at our range of products. We worked together to offer technical performance products that are simple to understand and easy to use. They all benefit from the reduced levels of embodied energy and lighter environmental impact over cementitious or gypsum products, but importantly, they also match the performance and eco requirements now being established through modern methods of construction. They are breathable, long-lasting, low polluting, easy to use and attractive products.

We have selected all of the most common applications and provide, sometimes a single product, to meet that demand. We are proud to describe them as easy to use, general-purpose, versatile, and straightforward because we know they are the result of a great deal of technical research and refinement. With this comes a guarantee of consistency uncommon with previous self-mix application except with very experienced blenders and applicators.

We have also made our descriptions fit the product, simple clear precise and easy to understand so you should always be able to find the product you need for the job you have, and even better you can buy online or over the phone for delivery direct from stock. For questions or enquiries please call 01793 847 444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .