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Dublin to host conference on rapid-build nZEB construction
A new one-day conference set to be held in Dublin next month will look at the twin challenges of solving Ireland's housing crisis with rapid-build construction, while at the same time meeting new standards for nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs).
Ireland remains in the grip of a national housing crisis, with increasing demand for housing units across the country, which need to be delivered at a higher pace. Meanwhile, the need for rapid-build is happening at a time when the nearly zero energy building standard (nZEB) is about to become mandatory.
For this reason, the newly-formed organisation nZEB Ireland has organised a national rapid build conference for Friday 22 June at Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street, in the heart of the city, where the housing crisis is perhaps most critical.
Expert national and international speakers, attendees from local authorities, construction, manufacturing and development companies will deliver presentations covering different aspects and perspectives of rapid delivery. The conference speakers will showcase the work of international and local best practice in rapid build, and demonstrate new technology and innovation in this field.
The morning sessions will include a talk from housing minister Eoghan Murphy on accelerating social housing construction, Dublin City Council senior architect Brendan Sullivan on the realities of delivering rapid-build at scale, and Rainer Stauch of Austrian start-up Cree on its rapid-build timber-hybrid construction system.
Later in the morning, sessions will look at pop-up housing for vacant city sites, solving the national construction skills shortage, and next-generation construction details for cost-optimal nZEB.
In the afternoon, architect Mel Reynolds will examine solutions to Ireland's housing crisis, Tomás O'Leary of MosArt architects will discuss a a '26 story high density panellised project', and there will be four rapid-fire presentations on rapid-build construction methods. There will also be an exhibition of showcasing the very latest in rapid-build solutions and technologies.
nZEB Ireland was established to help Ireland successfully meet the nearly zero energy building (nZEB) standard for new buildings and major renovations, as set out in EU's directive on the energy performance of buildings. It will seek to engage with all stakeholders affected by the new standard, including the state, the construction and property industries, and the general public, in order to help Ireland to deliver robust, cost-effective, healthy, comfortable nearly zero energy buildings that perform as expected.
For more information and tickets for the conference go to www.rapidhousing.nzebi.ie.