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Engineers urge government to act on climate change

Ireland risks social and economic disaster from climate change unless the government takes urgent action, according to the Irish Academy of Engineers.

In a new report the group says delivering critical infrastructure must be prioritised, otherwise the country risks polluted drinking water, extensive flood damage and power blackouts.

Ireland risks social and economic disaster from climate change unless the government takes urgent action, according to the Irish Academy of Engineers.

In a new report the group says delivering critical infrastructure must be prioritised, otherwise the country risks polluted drinking water, extensive flood damage and power blackouts.

Today the academy will publish a 40-page report on climate change impacts, following discussions between 60 researchers, engineers, scientists and policy experts.

Among the dangers highlighted, the report says if we do not protect our cities, we will not be able to insure them, and our water sources are at risk from floods and droughts.

The group points out that Holland is spending €1.5bn each year on adapting to climate change and Ireland needs to act now.

The academy warns that failure to do so will put Ireland's society and economy at an unacceptable risk.

(c) RTE

Last modified on Wednesday, 18 November 2009 11:53
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